Payroll Tax & EDD Debt Relief

The Employment Development Department or EDD is not known for being soft on business owners. In fact, the EDD handles most payroll issues and you are required to be in compliance with all payroll laws and tax submissions or you could face serious fines and penalties.

Whether or not you have accidentally misclassified an employee, or you forgot to withdraw taxes from payroll one check, you are held liable. It is vital that you have proper representation on your side to protect you. The EDD does not look at accidents as just simple accidents because those accidents do have serious consequences.

Our experienced EDD tax experts will represent you and work closely with the EDD to determine what happened and when. Representation during this audit can help ensure that you provide the EDD with the information they need.

If you currently own or have owned a business with employees, and owe 941 or Employee Withholding Tax then you NEED TO RESOLVE YOUR TAX ISSUE IMMEDIATELY! The IRS is most aggressive when it comes to these types of taxes. If Payroll Taxes are not paid, you are putting your income, assets, and business reputation at risk.

If these taxes (Payroll Tax 940/941) are neglected long enough, the business may be forced to close and all assets can be seized to satisfy the debt. Regardless if the business is closed, you must make arrangements to pay the taxes. The IRS will not be deterred and by not paying or making arrangements your personal finances are at risk. One of our tax consultants who specialize in Payroll Tax Issues can discuss what options are available and what will be the best course of action.